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A sacred space for inner transformation.
The Art of Living Gujarat Ahram
Get an experience of heaven on Earth! Spread over 250 acres, The Art of Living Gujarat Ahram is the perfect place for you to make any day of your life the most memorable one. While we offer a number of programs to explore the infinity within, at The Art of Living Gujarat Ahram, we invite you to explore the most beautiful places in our center on a Bus Tour.
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Featured Programs at Our Center
Holistic Cooking
Join us online and learn the most holistic forms of Ayurveda cooking which help you plan your diet which suite your body type.
Wellness Program
Learn the life-supporting ancient wisdom of Ayurveda and develop a personalized lifestyle plan which suits your body and daily routine.
Vedic Maths
Meticulously designed programs for kids and teens to bring out the highest potential in every child of this generation.
The Happiness Program
Powerful breathing techniques, deep meditations, life skill tools and practical wisdom which are easy to apply in daily life to be sustainably happy.
Advanced Meditation Program
Bundle of advanced programs that enhances inner peace and outer dynamism by deep-diving within and experiencing the true version of self.
Intuition Process
For Children & Teens
Meticulously designed programs for kids and teens to bring out the highest potential in every child of this generation.
Our Founder
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is a world-renowned humanitarian, spiritual leader, and an ambassador of peace and human values. Through his life and work, Gurudev has inspired millions around the world with a vision of a stress-free and violence-free world. The programs designed by Art of Living provide techniques and tools to live a deeper and more joyous life.
I have two questions for you. First, should life be taken seriously or playfully?
The second question is how many of you felt during the past year that you don't want to waste time?
Life is short and running very fast. You don't want to waste time or miss out. How many times have you felt that? Many times? That means you're growing. You're fortunate.
Opening up your vision
First, if you resolve again and again not to waste time, that means you're more aware. On the other hand, it also means that you're not taking life seriously. You waste time because you don't take life seriously.
So, shouldn't you take life a little more seriously? If not, then you'll be wasting time!
You're caught now. So you say both. You shouldn't take life seriously. But if you don't take life seriously, then you're wasting time. You feel you don't want to waste time on all these trivial things. That's good.
River of time
Just imagine you're sitting on the bank of a river, and time is like a river. You have your feet in the water and you're watching the river flow. Like that, the time is moving.
Everything has flown. Sometimes you've jumped in the water. Sometimes water was above your nose, and somehow you came up again. You swim during tough and pleasant times, and you've come to the shore. As long as you don't forget the shore, it's okay to play around in the water.
But if it's a flood, current, or fury, you need to swim onto the shore. The same thing in life; sometimes you have to play. There's no point in just watching life all the time, sitting on the bank in the heat while the water is very cool and pleasant. You're sweating. You're feeling so hot, and there's beautiful cold water in front of you. You want to jump in and feel it!
In life also, sometimes you have to be with the time 100 percent. Other times, you have to sit on the bank and watch. To see the difference comes from your intelligence and discrimination.
When to be serious or playful
When you're taking worldly matters too seriously, then you get drowned. You get so sad and upset. Then you should see life as a game. When you feel you've failed, you have to take life as a game.
When you feel you've succeeded or achieved something, see it as a small, serious thing. No need to waste time.
So when you fail, don't take it seriously. When you succeed, take it seriously.
You have achieved something. So what? Don't waste time on what you've achieved. Your potential is so big. You've achieved some little thing and you keep beating the drum. There, you have to take life seriously.
And when you've failed, don't take it seriously. It's a game, another play. Done, move on.
So, the first thing is, acknowledge that you're wasting too much of your time. So many people waste time without knowing they are wasting it. At least you've taken that very first step.
The next step is to know where to take it easily. Singing, dancing, and being blissful are not a waste of time, because you're playful. You bend with the flow. Now, life takes you to another plane.
You have to be serious and playful also. Being only playful is too flakey. If you're too playful all the time, you'll be wasting your time. Unless there's some seriousness in life, playfulness has no meaning.
Acquiring and using wisdom
You cannot only use wisdom without acquiring it. That's why we start every celebration with some silence. Celebration has been part of all silence programs.
One who never thought that they ever wasted any time in life is in deep slumber, or they're enlightened. Only two conditions are possible. If you're enlightened or ignorant (in deep slumber) then you haven't wasted any time. Otherwise, recognizing that you're wasting a lot of time is a prize you give to yourself. The more often you feel that way, the bigger prize you get.

Biodiversity at The Art of Living Gujarat Ahram
The Art of Living Gujarat Ahram in Vasad is a place where life grows. It is not only a campus that offers opportunities for one to uplift their state of mind, but also a house of a number of species, a variety of plants, trees, butterflies, and birds. Check out the glimpses of bio-diversity at The Art of Living Gujarat Ahram.

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The Art of Living Free Schools
Sri Sri Gaushala
Vaidic Heritage School
Project Udaan
Other Programs
For Beginners
Powerful breathing techniques, deep meditations, life skill tools and practical wisdom which are easy to apply in daily life to be sustainably happy.
For Children & Teens
Meticulously designed programs for kids and teens to bring out the highest potential in every child of this generation.
Advanced Programs
Bundle of advance programs which enhances inner peace and outer dynamism by deep-diving within and experiencing the true version of self.